The Alien
The Alien is an experimental sculpture about Our interactions with the unknown. We love the unknown. One can argue that the unknown has the most influence in human society. From ancient gods, and modern religions, to fictional stories and mystical creatures they are all the pillars of our cultures. Aliens are one the heroes of this love of mystery. Although we are thinking about the unknown, we tend to humanize any fictional intelligent phenomenon. Because we want to connect with them emotionally. Then they would matter to us. Then we can tell stories about them. It doesn't matter how far they are from our world, as soon as we recognize an emotion we are intrigued by that unknown. We crave to understand it. It’s all about emotional interaction.
The Alien is an interactive sculpture made out of carbon fiber and wax. It shows fear and/or excitement when someone approaches it. It’s calm and quiet when it’s left alone. It’s true beauty is hidden in the natural light. But It shines under the black light. It has a very bad vision. It only sees about 2 feet around itself. So it usually surprises its visitor with its sudden vibration and shaking when someone is too close.